In the admin area, all the orders appear as “canceled” with the message “Unpaid order canceled – time limit reached“. When this happens, you ...
you may want to prevent pending (unpaid) orders cancelling automatically so you ...
Here is a quick post I wanted to share with everyone out there who tends to use WooCommerce and PayPal checkout for their online store and ran into the issue ...
Order status changed from Pending payment to Cancelled.
Why does WooCommerce cancel orders if the order wasn't actually
Or, possibly on the end with PayPal or another payment gateway. We had the issue with a Stripe process, but determined that it timed out on the ...
When this happens, we need to manually cancel the order and contact the
Go to and sign up for a PayPal Business account or
PayPal will no longer be refunding fees when you refund your buyer!
You could use this custom function hooked in woocommerce_order_status_changed action hook, that is triggered when order status change.