Your order has been received.”. This text comes from the file templates/checkout/ thankyou.php. The filter available to change this text is: ...
You can refer to: enter image description here. This is where each piece of text comes on the Thank you page. This is part of a detailed post I ...
WooCommerce thank you page title The first hook woocommerce_endpoint_order-received_title allows to change "Order received" text, the second hook ...
Hey, should I add this piece of code to the thankyou.php file or should I create a new file named woocommerce-change-order-received-text.php? What do I need ...
Pay page – /order-pay/{ORDER_ID}; Order received (thanks) – /order-received/; Add ...
Transactional emails are a key piece of your order fulfillment process.
Your order has been received.” The example below adds just 1 sentence, “A receipt has been sent to you via email.” You can replace that with ...
[This thread is closed.] How can I increase the text size of the text (“Thank you. Your order has been received”) that displays on the top of the…
WooCommerce allows users to send customized order emails and alter the
Where do I make the change? I would also like to edit the email content. I'm using WP v4.9.6 and WooCommerce v 3.4.3.