The clone will be assigned to the same customer with shipping and billing ...
Split, merge, clone, your crowd/combined/bulk orders using intelligent rules.
What is the best way to move WooCommerce orders between sites
There's now a plugin for this:
How to Prevent WooCommerce Orders and Products From Being Overwritten during Pushing
Or, like me, maybe you need to copy an entire WooCommerce website on a fresh subdomain in order to write this step-by-step tutorial!
Best practices for migrating and moving WooCommerce Orders from one site to another without overwriting post IDs in the WordPress database.
While Shopify allows you to export customer data and orders, you have to
When PayPal sends an IPN subscr_payment update to WooCommerce I'm using this code inside the valid_paypal_standard_ipn_request ...
Just change the $item_id to $to_order_item_id and you don't even have to touch the order_item_meta since it is still associated with the proper ...