WooCommerce redirects automatically to the front-end any user without “ manage_woocommerse” or “edit_posts” capabilities. In order user ...
Using WC_Order_Query is a lighter and simpler way. wc_get_orders and WC_Order_Query provide a standard way of retrieving orders that is ...
This changes the order in which they're displayed on the “Edit Order” page and ...
Require login for WordPress or Front-End Only Users before viewing an order status; Custom fields for orders, customers and sales reps to display information ...
Set a default 'placeholder' image to appear on the front end when no other ...
WooCommerce orders aren't products - they're a separate custom post type.
Actually this will require some custom code to achieve to. Essentially to have ...
For this, you need to go to WooCommerce > Orders. This will open the WooCommerce orders section in WP admin. 2- View it on the frontend. To see/ edit ...
in the frontend that display the orders with the ability to change their status.
Display your restaurant's name on the front-end menu.