Themes and plugins can often cause problems (especially poorly coded ones!) with JavaScript.
Themes and plugins can often cause problems (especially poorly coded ones!) with JavaScript.
If that is not what you want, you have to change the way Relevanssi handles the ... WooCommerce blocks Relevanssi in the admin product search at least from ...
Fast loading pages boost conversions and SEO, reduce cart
Some days GA will report more or less purchases than there are in Woo and more
Is the backend of your WooCommerce site slow?
using ElasticSearch indexing, with the help of the ElasticPress plugin, or; using a ... the number of orders covered in each result (across all pages) is
Each website, WooCommerce version, plugins setup, etc. is having a problem
This means they will have fewer database calls and not as many resources will be
This is (and rightly so) a hot topic of sorts within WooCommerce right now because of the impact it will have to the entire ecosystem.
As this is a server-level tweak, the performance hit will be less than a