When your emails stop working, not only does it affect your customers (“Is my order on its way? I didn't get a shipping confirmation!”) but it can ...
If your new orders have the status Pending, no email would have been sent yet. Pending orders ...
But don't know, suddenly, its stopped working! My client should receive emails of New Order! And even the customer should get his order details and tracking ( ...
I want to stop send Woocommerce email for specific user/email. this is my example code to stop send email when order is completed.
To customize the New Order email settings, head over to New Order and click on the title or
You could remove the standard mail actions: https://docs.woocommerce.com/ document/unhookremove-woocommerce-emails/. And then ...
WooCommerce not sending emails from your store? Learn the fast way to fix this so your customers receive order emails reliably.
Is there any possibility to stop sending processing order e-mails when WooCommerce order status is pending payment? I have tried this code ...
With automated post-purchase emails, you can keep in touch with
I am trying to stop woo-commerce from sending mail when order status is changed. These orders are of amazon and my plugin syncs it from ...