Not sure if I'm missing something, but it sounds like what you want can be achieved with the Order Received URL:.
Please note that this will work for orders in the “Pending payment” status, but not “On hold”.
data – it's a breeze to get caught up on accounting and store management!
If you define a number of days, download links expire after that.
Get paid for one-off sales and services using the WooCommerce plug-in with
WooCommerce provides helper functions in the order class for getting these URLs.
That is what's intended to get the file to the user.
Collect customer details via custom form on the WooCommerce thank you page ... Line 13 – if the payment method is Direct bank transfer, redirect to YOUR URL.
not the order list, I get the 404 error page, but this kind of direct link to an order works: ... You can find these under WooCommerce > Status > Logs and check the Fatal ...
Why not shorten the funnel and make it more direct instead?