UPDATED As you are finding hard to locate functions.php file you can created a plugin. Create a PHP file as wh-thankyou-tracking.php under ...
Do you see (Line 3) that this hook has the only one argument – $old_title , but what about order details? Well, you can easily get the order id from the key $_ GET ...
It redirects you to a simple Thank You page (or “Order received” page how is it
As a WooCommerce development freelancer, every day I repeat many coding
The following shortcodes can be used to display details of the order; ...
In most cases, the customer is going to glance at this then just get on with the rest of their life. Why create a custom WooCommerce thank you page? Perhaps
You can get the order total etc e.g. $order->get_total();. */
XLPlugins builds premium WooCommerce Plugins for conversion focused business owners. Checkout our products to see how you can get more ROI from same ...
Up-sells:Display up-sells of products that your customers have just bought.
are available in the documentation to display any of the order details on your custom pages.