Almost all endpoints accept optional parameters which can be passed as a HTTP query string parameter, e.g. GET /orders?status=completed . All parameters ...
WOOCOMMERCE ORDERS IN VERSION 3.0+. Since Woocommerce mega major Update 3.0+ things have changed quite a lot: For WC_Order Object ...
Customers receive notes via email but can view them by viewing an order, or using the WooCommerce order tracking page. Notes can be a powerful tool for ...
If we want to query orders for a customer, we can check for the _customer_user meta key (the customer id) in the order, and we'll get orders that ...
I am getting orders, but no emails are sending! ↑ Back to top. There are multiple factors that can be the cause. Before explaining the actual mail side of the issue, ...
In that scenario, you can “get” the order object with the wc_get_order WooCommerce function. It's also possible to gain $order information if you ...
Get billing details from WooCommerce order. If you want to grab useful information like the ...
If a supported gateway is not available, the customer will receive an email when the pre-order is released prompting them to come back to the store and pay for ...
Recently, for a client site, I needed to export WooCommerce information about customers, their orders and the products that they had bought so ...