Please customers and protect margins: here's how to determine the perfect
Shipping method; Boxed items; Total cost; Taxes
You need to accurately calculate shipping costs to keep margins fair and customers happy, but do you know the four factors that impact shipping expenses ?
Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page; Hide shipping costs until an ... to place orders without an account – Allows customers to check out without ...
There are a lot of shipping options and perks with WooCommerce, such as real- time cost calculations, extensions to make checking out easier and at-home label printing.
Per order – calculates shipping for the entire cart. If there are
Flat Rate #1 > rename to “Orders Below 1kg” and assign cost = $10; Flat Rate #2 ... Now we need to “tell” WooCommerce that, based on the cart weight, a Flat ...
allows you define a standard rate per item, per shipping class or per order. Flat Rate Shipping works with Product Shipping Classes, adding more power and flexibility .
Your WooCommerce shipping zones and methods determine where
WooCommerce 2.6+ sends shipping costs as a 'real' shipping line item via PayPals API.