The sales graph itself shows the number of gross sales plotted on a light blue line, the net sales plotted in dark blue, the shipping
(added compatibility for WooCommerce versions 3+). Update 2: Added a condition to display the address IP only for Admin New orders ...
Server address: Enter an IP address or hostname for the FTP server.
WooCommerce – Search Orders by Customer IP Address
Having tried $customer = new WC_Customer(); and global $woocommerce; $ customer = $woocommerce->customer; I was still getting empty address data even ...
I need to know and keep the customer IP address when make an order. I have seen that the CVS I can download from Orders tab doesn't include this information.
pick up fraudulent transactions and catch them as they happen – by scanning and
Before, when I check the order I have simple information page with all
Display Status Information to Customers. Customers can be frustrated by order management when they don't know where their orders are. While your statuses are ...
I am facing an issue with how the woocommerce order is storing server ip and not customer ip. My server is not behind reverse proxy and therefore i have this ...