Pending payment — Order received, no payment initiated. · Failed — Payment failed or was declined (unpaid) or requires authentication (SCA). · Processing — ...
There are several plugins for WordPress that include this feature. WooCommerce Subscriptions enables customers to modify their credit card ...
order, the renewal order is marked failed and ...
Locate the failed or paused Scheduled Order you wish t.
As the title says – the plugin posts orders that failed to receive payment or that are pending payment. I need only to post those that are in processing state as ...
Setting up a failed order notification in WooCommerce
Each time someone try to order something (we only sell virtual products) they get an error with this message in red “Payment processing failed. please retry. and ...
One of the Payment Gateways I use changes the Order status from "Processing" to "Failed" whenever the transaction fails or user cancels the ...
Some orders process, others say failed. The failed ones are because the customer cannot add their credit card info to the fields on the Strip ...
He sets up an order and tries to pay for it with one CC after another,