taxes between all other items, and will not make the cart total go below zero ...
Since you said your order statuses are going to On Hold , I'd check to make sure your PayPal/Sandbox is setup properly, as that shouldn't be happening (the ...
gateways that defaults to On Hold or Pending Payment instead of Processing
I need to capture the funds, but the order needs to go as on-hold rather than processing so that I can make sure the payment is received before ...
Step 2: How to create an automation for WooCommerce on hold order status. ShopMagic installed, so we can move on to adding a new ...
Here's how to customize emails in WooCommerce to make a big impact.
The status should be "On-hold" for a non paid order.
Navigate to “WooCommerce”>”Orders”. woocommerce orders. STEP 3: New orders will have a “Processing” status or “On hold” status. Hover over the ...
This is easily solved by changing the order status setting of the plugin to whatever WooCommerce status you want. Navigate to the Braintree plugin's Checkout ...
Revised: Feb 2019 | All WooCommerce orders go to either "processing", " completed", "on-hold" and other default order statuse...