If this is not the case in your jurisdiction, choose a different tax class. In the case of multiple tax rates in the order, the shipping tax will be applied as follows:.
In postman {{baseUrl}} means the link to your webiste let "http://example.com/wp- json/wc/v2/orders". In the place of "https://example.com/" ...
the amount of taxes for the whole order; this will be replaced by the tax code applied to the order ...
There is not currently a way around that as it isn't possible to have taxes, etc. applied automatically without manually selecting Recalculate . I'd recommend making ...
Updated. I have revisited your code completely as there was different missing things and some mistakes. But I can't really test the code as this ...
Sales tax has long applied to brick and mortar business in the United
when i inspect the elements in the order review page it says its the BC tax rate. if i change the BC tax rate, the amounts are updated accordingly. When I change ...
If you have problems with the woocommerce tax not showing up, you
Also we use store credit as per @Doug – it would be used toward the total order amount – not pretax. Eg $100 order inc tax paid for with a $100 ...
The tax exemption details are displayed in order detail pages.