Orders Report; Products Report; Variations Report; Categories Report; Coupons Report; Taxes Report; Downloads Report; Stock Report; Customers Report.
You can add dates for coaching sessions, assign multiple case managers to a consulting account, or manage any other order details you wish. Stop jotting down ...
WooCommerce Admin is a feature plugin for WooCommerce, which
The WooCommerce Admin feature plugin is built around a new central
WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields. The Admin Custom Order Fields extension allows you to add fields to an order for details, notes, dates, and more.
You may have data on your customers and orders in the WP admin panel, but it's probably not ...
Example: To override the admin order notification, copy: ...
By using this plugin, you also enable your customers to request the order cancellation from their account order page. Moreover, the admin can ...
Canceled — Canceled by an admin or the customer – stock is increased, ...
will be able to manage the shop without having access to the admin area.