Order item class. Implemented by classes using the same CRUD(s) pattern. Interfaces, Classes and Traits.
If you use the get_id() method, you get your item ID which is 15 in your code. Get the product ID: The correct WC_Order_Item_Product method ...
In that scenario, you can “get” the order object with the wc_get_order WooCommerce function. It's also possible to gain $order information if you ...
Editing or Adding Order Items. Apart from refunding, order items can not be edited, unless the order status is “Pending ...
To update the existing order items you can use wc_update_order_item( $item_id, $args) , where $args is the array with the same parameters wc_add_order_item() ...
Quickly export and download your WooCommerce product orders as a CSV with product, line item, order, and customer data.
Displaying the meta · Products (line items): woocommerce/includes/admin/meta- boxes/views/html-order-item. php , · Shipping: woocommerce/ ...
But once that product is deleted the SKU reference is now gone. Saving it to the order item meta is a good idea. Required Plugins.
@package WooCommerce\Classes. * @version 3.0.0. * @since 3.0.0. */. defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;. /**. * Order item class. */. class WC_Order_Item extends ...
WooCommerce 3.0+. you can get the order items of an order by $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); $items = $order->get_items();. then if you loop through the ...