of WooCommerce WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: by WooCommerce – 4.1.7 – Not tested ...
Once an order set to auto-complete is paid, it will skip the Processing step and go directly to Completed status. This streamlines order administration for orders ...
[This thread is closed.] Hello, I've setup a woocommerce store recently and I sue Stripe to receive Credit Cards payment. Everything was going…
Apple Pay status stuck in 'Processing' for a long time, before failing silently.
[This thread is closed.] Hello, I am using the Woocommerce subscription plugin with Woocommerce stripe. After successful payment Order status is…
aren't going thru at all – they are stuck in Woocommerce processing.
If you have the Stripe payments option enabled in your POWR eCommerce or PayPal Button, buyers see the option to make a payment directly.
set up the Stripe Payment Gateway Plugin for WooCommerce, but still running into trouble with processing payments. “
If the order is not marked as “Processing” or “Completed” within the time frame set in the inventory settings, WooCommerce cancels the order and places the ...
Hi wpmudev team, I'm testing the Stripe payment gateway on ProSites and can't get a test payment to go through. I setup a test account on ...