That should take care of user accounts. Order history will come under the Commerce migration. There's a Commerce migration submodule as ...
How Easy Is It To Get Up And Running With WordPress And Drupal? When it comes to how easy it is to build a website with each platform, ...
Import data from other platforms, e.g WooCommerce use CSV as the source
Let's get that moving van loaded up! What you should consider before the migration. If you're using Drupal, you should already have a hosting ...
Drupal Commerce and Woocommerce are the easiest ways to build an
that really understands and can edit the small details of the module in order to get full ...
I get the message: “[fg-drupal-to-wp] Couldn't connect to the Drupal database. Please check your parameters. And be sure the WordPress server can access the ...
Most website frameworks like Drupal and WordPress use the database to
When you migrate from Drupal to WordPress, the process can take a
How to compare Drupal vs Wordpress by functionality, design, theme,