You can use the function wc_update_order() to fetch an existing order object. $ order_id = $_GET[ 'order_id' ] $order = wc_update_order( array ...
Click the order number and customer name to see the Single Order page, where you can also Edit order details, Update Status, and Add Notes. More details on ...
WooCommerce (WC) 2.6+ is fully integrated with the WordPress REST API. This allows WC data to be created, read, updated, and deleted using requests in ...
Thank you all, I did found the answer HERE. I adapt a bit the code to my needs and added a button. html:
The WordPress Core woocommerce update order hook. Description. do_action( ' woocommerce_update_order', (unknown) $order_get_id );. Parameters ...
You can trigger emails based on changes between custom statuses or core statuses so that customers and/or shop admins are always informed of order updates ...
Since some of these woocommerce addon plugins need an active subscription from for updates, we want to make sure all of ...
Test order history, updating personal information, viewing order history. Backend WooCommerce admin tests. Orders. Can I process orders as ...
This will ensure that no orders are placed while you're performing updates and testing. Updating WooCommerce: Updating and Testing Your ...
Updating the status of an order. You can update the status of an order using the PUT /orders/#{id} endpoint. All actions that are triggered normally ...