Edit order items – modify the product, prices, and taxes.
Easily detect all the status changes an order can go through with actions. I've spent ...
Before you complete order status setup, you may want to edit core statuses and ...
This can be done in woocommerce_checkout_create_order action hook, where you will have to use CRUD getters and setters methods for ...
need to take actions between when the order is processed and completed.
I am using the WooCommerce Order Status Control plugin, and orders are automatically changing to complete upon payment. Yet for some ...
WooCommerce thank you page title The first hook woocommerce_endpoint_order-received_title allows to change "Order received" text, the second hook ...
You can use woocommerce_my_account_my_orders_actions to add a custom action button to "My account" orders section, for orders with ...
view raw woocommerce-change-order-received-text.php hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Update 2 - 2019: Use WooCommerce: Auto complete paid orders (updated thread). So the right hook to use is ...