This can be done using a custom function hooked in woocommerce_email_order_details action hook (for example) that will display in admin ...
plugin to check what code they're using for their gift cards – this isn't something that the core
The email function hooked that display the text function
And including related products and coupon codes can even lead to
I want to add the COUPON CODE to the beginning of the email subject line if a coupon is used by the customer OR leave it at the default subject line if no coupon ...
Enter or generate a Coupon Code. The code is used by the customer to apply the coupon and associated
Some features you can customize using the WooCommerce settings include the ... New Order email for the store owner - WooCommerce Email Customizer
You will need to know the coupon code to apply to the order.
Come back and use the code "Back4More" to receive a 20% discount on your
Most stores should use one of first two methods to keep files safe from outside access.