I'm creating a custom plugin for my website. In some part of this plugin I need to store extra meta in wp_postmeta for each orders. I added this in ...
you can use woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta hook to update order meta. Please check sample code
... to be done is to add the custom data as metadata to the order items.
In the above example, we're adding some custom meta to the order #125 with the key payment_gateway_fee and the value 1.60. Now if we ...
You can add any custom field to your order emails by hooking in and specifying the name of the custom field. This can be useful if, for example, you want to ...
You can select a field from the list of default fields or click the Add Existing Order Meta Field button to create custom meta fields by providing a ...
While many importers and exporters can include order meta (post meta), here are ...
In this article, we'll concentrate on adding meta data from a single field, all the way from the product page to the new order email. In total, we'll ...
field is automatically processed and saved to the order post meta (in this case, _shipping_phone).
[This thread is closed.] I'm currently using a pickup plugin for WooCommerce called Local Pickup Plus and am hoping to be able to tap into the…