I am trying to change/add in the title of the "Order Recieved" Woocommerce page . The below snippet works - I am able to change the pre-existing ...
a specific order). rating – The average product rating. title – The product title.
The original order of the My Account menu items can be seen in /wp-content/ plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-account-functions.php
If I try get_the_title, I only get the current page title, like “Order received” or “Order #…” if I'm on the view order page, so it's not getting the event ...
I have already manage to create a column thanks to this: // ADDING COLUMN TITLES add_filter( 'manage_edit-shop_order_columns', ...
Add a column to Orders Admin Page with Products Purchased.
[This thread is closed.] Hi there! I am trying to add a title on top of the payment methods in the checkout / review order page but can't figure…
There are lots of ways to customize the page, including:
Custom Thank You Page For WooCommerce – This plugin allows WooCommerce Shop Owners to send their customers to a
Change the My Accout page title. add_filter( 'the_title' ...