WooCommerce Subscriptions is a premium WooCommerce extension
As WC_Subscription get_related_orders() method gives an array of order IDs, you need to use reset() function, to get the last renewal order ID ...
After customer has completed payment, they receive the Processing/Completed Renewal Order email, and New Renewal Order email is sent to Store Manager.
The current WP REST API integration version is v1 which takes a first-order
The subscription price will be displayed as $0 / month; A renewal order will be ...
Product Order API Key: Great for store owners who want customers to use
Subscriptions 2.1 now uses renewal order data as the source for:
created_at, string, UTC DateTime when the order was created read-only
Provides an API for creating and handling renewal orders. *. * @package
Download the zip file from API Downloads by logging into your WebToffee MY ACCOUNTS page.