Admin provides the tax exemption to selected customers and these customers can place tax-exempted orders straight away. During the checkout process, they can ...
To exempt certain product categories such as clothing from sales tax, create a ...
To install the WooCommerce Product & Customer Exemptions, please
When this user places an order on your site, they'll be exempt from taxes (partially or fully, based on the ...
Step 3: Test the tax exempt mapping. We recommend creating a wholesale test user role in order to ensure your exemptions are working properly ...
will see the checkbox on the checkout page to claim the tax exemption for any order.
It is free, but you do require an account with TaxJar (this does have fees associated). With that, you can set up customer extentions: * https://docs. woocommerce.
Alright, I finally figured it out in case anyone is interested. In my plugin, I made a form after the order notes by hooking in to this function: ...
This is achieved by adding additional fields on the checkout page. The customers who are eligible for tax exemption on purchase of certain products can enter ...
I would like to add an action in woocommerce to remove the tax from orders when created in the backend and for special users as customers.