I'm looking in the sql db and I can see something that resembles orders inside wp_posts . However, I would expect them to be inside the tables ...
This includes data, such as name, order history and billing address. WooCommerce uses a combination of both WordPress database tables ...
Both table names are prefixed with your WP Database Table Prefix, usually wp_ ... menu_order, Sort order of the bundled item relative to other items in the same ...
Orders are a Custom Post Type (CPT), so they are stored in the wp_posts table. If you search the post_type field for 'shop_order', SQL will ...
The migrate command will flatten the most common post meta values for WooCommerce orders into a flat database table, optimized for performance. $ wp wc ...
Oh and also, the order is still visible in customer's orders page in my account ( even though it is has been trashed fully from Woocommerce – Orders in admin). I ...
Looking for the fastest and most flexible way to create customizable product tables for your WooCommerce store? Bulk Order Form for WooCommerce is the ...
Just like the WooCommerce products, the orders are also just a custom post type, which means they can be found under the wp_posts table.
As orders are "belonging" to specific products it makes a simple hack to
Option 2) Exclude all database tables except the table _options and select only the plugins and themes folder you want to push to the staging site.