Orders are a Custom Post Type (CPT), so they are stored in the wp_posts table. If you search the post_type field for 'shop_order', SQL will ...
menu_order, Sort order of the bundled item relative to other ...
Recently, for a client site, I needed to export WooCommerce information about customers, their orders and the products that they had bought so ...
The database schema for subscription products includes all the same data as ...
This includes data, such as name, order history and billing address. WooCommerce uses a combination of both WordPress database tables ...
Database merging is a problem that still exists in WordPress.
Intuitively, I expected something like Orders, Products, Coupons in the tables names.
Where is woocommerce storing product data in the database
AND a.status='in-progress' ORDER BY scheduled_date_gmt DESC LIMIT 1.
WordPress is written using PHP as its scripting language and MySQL as its database management system. In order to use WordPress, you ...