To do this you can follow this link which will delete the data
For example, the following command would delete all shop-order posts,
This plugin is useless if you want to remove orders and all their data from the database. The orders disappear from the dashboard, all right. But all their data is still ...
to edit product variations by removing and adding ...
Installation · Download the plugin & install it to your wp-content/plugins folder (or use the Plugins menu through the WordPress Administration section) · Activate the ...
If you have imported or created test data in your store and it is now being
All reports besides the stock one have the option to export to CSV .
... in my DB trying to figure out how I can clean out some completed order data.
This allows WC data to be created, read, updated, and deleted using
Delete all your Woocommerce orders with this script. - mauran/Woocommerce- delete-all-orders.