Canceled — Canceled by an admin or the customer – stock is increased,
Here's how to know if it's something you might benefit from.
As you can see we check if the current user role is shop_manager so all ...
If you've been using order notes to add order details, or even worse, been using an outside system to track order details, you know that it's a pain to keep all of this ...
The only problem is that WooCommerce manual orders aren't supported out of the box.
in customer's Account – View Order page, order emails, and in Order Admin ...
Improve your sales without leaving your WordPress admin
Super Admin: A super admin has capabilities that specifically apply to multisite environments.
How do I find orders that have been made on my store? After you log into wp- admin for your store, go to WooCommerce > Orders, which load ...
When a fraudulent transaction is made via your online store, it is of