Your order has been received.”. This text comes from the file templates/checkout/ thankyou.php. The filter available to change this text is: ...
Example: YOUR THEME FOLDER. woocommerce. checkout. thankyou.php.
The following endpoints are used for checkout-related functionality and are appended to
Go to this path. wp-content -> plugins -> woocommerce -> templates -> checkout. On this location you can get all the files for checkout page.
but i cant found the order-received/ page and i am not using any custom ...
Thus, the order received page can be used as a starting point for this
The plugin follows WooCommerce's settings in order to fire each specific event. Because of this, you must keep the original Checkout settings ( your pages ...
AND boost Average Order Values ...
[This thread is closed.] Hi Need help please. my site has the latest stable WooCommerce, on the “Impreza” theme (latest). when redirected…
Transactional emails receive up to 8 times more opens than other types