Click the order number and customer name to see the Single Order page, where you can also Edit ...
[This thread is closed.] On the admin side, when you go to this url: /wp-admin/post .php?post={id}&action=edit and the post type =…
There are multiple template file that are used to generated the admin order page. You can find some of them in.
such as the Thank You page and My Account pages on the frontend, and the admin “Edit order” screens).
Order notes. There are lots of ways to customize the page, including: Editing the design; Changing the text on the “Place Order” button ...
If you want to redirect to a custom page for only a specific product, you can do this by getting the order from order_id parameter & then loop ...
How to add custom editable information to the Order Details metabox on the edit order page. Using WooCommerce tooltips and date pickers.
We will also look at showing the data from the custom field and how to make the new column sortable. The WooCommerce orders admin page ...
Click Emails to view the following templates: New Order – Sent to the store admin to notify them of a new order placed on their site. Cancelled ...