If you use the get_id() method, you get your item ID which is 15 in your code. Get the product ID: The correct WC_Order_Item_Product method ...
Or “How can I get the order items“? Or maybe the order ID, customer ID, billing info, payment method, total refunds and so on… hopefully this ...
WooCommerce 3.0+. you can get the order items of an order by $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); $items = $order->get_items();. then if you loop through the ...
For WooCommerce 3+ ## // Getting an instance of the WC_Order object from a defined ORDER ID $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); ...
in creating a separate database table for products in an order than linking them by IDs?
All product orders require processing, except those that only contain products
includes/class-wc-order-item.php : 18
Once again, in here you don't really have a $product available, so you have to loop through the order/cart items and “get” it. After that, you can then calculate and ...
please help me with this thing, how and where I will find this?
get the order using the orderid shortcode attribute. $order ...