Solved it with the following code: $order=wc_get_order($order_id); $order_data = $order->get_meta('_shipments'); $final_array ...
There is at least 2 ways to get custom order item meta data from a defined meta key: 1) Since WooCommerce 3 - Using WC_Data method ...
As $email variable seems to be defined, you can normally get the WC_Order Object instance using: $order = $email->object;. Then to get your ...
... doesn't seem to work within email templates, when used to get custom meta values associated with the order. WooCommerce 2.2.10, WordPress 4.1.
php . You will also find functions to manage order items. But since this is a tutorial for order item meta data, we will only the item meta functions.
Similarly, you'll find it towards the bottom of order & customer pages and from there you can add new meta as well as edit existing meta. When it ...
storing values in post meta. wc_attribute_taxonomy_name_by_id() : string: Get a product attribute name by ID .
If you look through official WooCommerce tutorials and some other tutorials over the internet, you will find out that people use ...
Getting WooCommerce order information from the database. BY Irene Bhuiyan ○ 8
WooCommerce allows adding additional values to every order using the "Custom Fields" section. This custom field usually gets saved in the wp_postmeta table as ...