Here is a workaround // 123 Happy Coding Lane, Apt #5 Delray Beach, FL 33445 function formatted_shipping_address($order) { return ...
As a WooCommerce development freelancer, every day I repeat many coding operations that
I got the shipping address in this simple way : function get_shipping_zone(){ global $woocommerce; $post_code ...
else { echo $this->order->get_formatted_billing_address (); }.
WooCommerce shipping and billing address section is the most important section in the
Gets order total - formatted for display. get_formatted_shipping_address() : string: Get a formatted shipping address for the order.
Failed, pending, and canceled orders which get cleaned up will be moved to the ...
Let Your Customers Ship Cart Items to Different Addresses
Partially complete orders – With shipping to multiple addresses, you will have the ... which addresses get what products, after adding addresses during checkout:
This includes data, such as name, order history and billing address.