Automatically takes the customer to the cart page upon adding a product.
All of my orders get redirected back to the checkout page. Some of them end up sending emails/go through, but most of them do…
Let's add a new field to checkout, after the order notes, by hooking into the ...
These E-Mails are sent from WooCommerce but PayPal needs to do something here so people cant just go back to checkout after being redirected to PayPal.
Here we're going to show you how to create a WordPress order form that
Use a hook that comes after the checkout form, such as ...
The default WooCommerce checkout goes a long way toward making this
the "Place Order" button will be enabled back and it will be triggered by the code…
See all Enhancement · Cart and checkout features · Merchandizing
Checkout Page Isn't Available and is Just Redirecting Back to an Empty Cart. While there