details to customer (handy if manually creating an order for your customers) or ...
You can show custom fields data in the admin order detail page and order emails.
WooCommerce Memberships allows your customers to have one or more memberships, and these can be purchased or manually assigned by a shop admin / manager. Memberships are activated once an order is paid for ( processing or ...
It's a good idea to make all payment gateways available. Place WooCommerce phone orders on behalf of their customers – whether they're existing customers or ...
When you begin a bulk export or export items from the Orders or Users lists,
add a new customer and register a user account at the time the order is placed.
No more manually forwarding orders; Fast 3-step installation. Fed up with manually forwarding emails? WooCommerce Multiple Email Recipients is the answer!
Full support for all order data. If you can do it manually, you can migrate it automatically. Link migrated products and customers to your orders.
In the WordPress admin, go to WooCommerce → Orders → Add order. Enter all the information for the order, and select a user by styling the start of their name or ...
Use the bulk export tool to get a list of all customers, or a list of customers by registration date. Bulk actions, Manually export or transfer one or more orders while ...