You need to replace Items Ordered section with this: ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(m.meta_value, ' x ', i.order_item_name) separator ...
the wp_ to shop_wp_ and got " MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).
SQL Select Query for Retrieving WooCommerce Order Items and Meta Data · mysql wordpress woocommerce. I'm working on creating some SQL ...
I'm trying to obtain all orders for particular day/time and then order products using SQL (MySQL) as seen in the query below: select p.ID as order_id, p.post_date, ...
SQL Script To Get All WooCommerce Orders Including Metadata
Use this MySQL query to delete all woocommerce orders at once from the MySQL command line. This can be useful if you want to delete all ...
WooCommerce uses a custom post type “shop_order” to store orders.
Below are some basic MySQL queries for getting WooCommerce products, categories, orders, and order items from the database. All of the ...
write, and update WooCommerce Customers, Products, Orders, Transactions, etc.
B – Run EXPLAIN on the slow query in mySql WorkBench.