You can use $order_id as a parameter for your woocommerce_new_order callback and get the order details from the $order_id . Example:
To change the customer, select the current customer and search for the new customer.
Today we'll look at how to add WooCommerce custom order actions so that you could modify order data, add information to orders, send order ...
This changes the order in which they're displayed on the “Edit Order” page and within the order bulk actions dropdown. You can add a new status by clicking “ Add ...
How to customize WooCommerce and add your own items to the Order Action drop-down list in the top right metabox of the WooCommerce edit ...
You can add a new order status and select an icon to display in the orders list ( which replaces the text badge for a status name). Action buttons can also be added ...
Action and Filter Hook Reference. This is
It works great but how do I add this order action button link to an order email like the view or pay url included in the woocommerce customer emails? Basically ...
You would need to override the /myaccount/my-orders.php template file. Using your code to add 'target' => '_blank' to $actions['parcial'] , I would edit this part of ...