[This thread is closed.] Hi ! Everytime a customer completes an order in my Woocommerce store, the email confirmation order gets into his Spam…
Learn simple ways to fix WooCommerce Email notification problems.
If emails are enabled and orders are updating to Processing, there could be an issue in the email delivery to a recipient. This could be a spam blocker that ...
Does the image contain a lot of text? I believe this can be a trigger for marking emails as spam. We have extensive documentation on WooCommerce emails over ...
Nothing is worse to eCommerce site owners than finding out that their customers aren't receiving order notifications. WordPress is a leading CMS (Content ...
Steps to keeping your WooCommerce emails out of people's spam folders,
New order email– sent customers when a new order is received.
How to Set WooCommerce Order Confirmation Email
Method #2 Use SMTP Plugin. By default, your notification from WooCommerce will send an email to client by using PHP mail where the system ...
If you're sending emails from your WordPress site, you may have