IP geolocation check – When enabled, the plugin will look up the IP address of ...
Inspired by Add search by customer IP address to Woocommerce order search; Code idea borrowed from ...
Learn how to quickly search for all your WooCommerce orders by customer IP address. It only takes three simple steps and you can save time ...
(added compatibility for WooCommerce versions 3+). Update 2: Added a condition to display the address IP only for Admin New orders ...
I believe WooCommerce doesn't store the customer IP address by default, are you using a plugin to handle this? Cheers! Jesper. 6 years, 2 ...
deny purchasing from specific countries, block certain IP addresses and do ...
Detect multiple orders from the same IP address; Notification to multiple email addresses for orders marked as fraudulent; Proxy Detection; Order Quantity and ...
[This thread is closed.] Hi, I need to know and keep the customer IP address when make an order. I have seen that the CVS I can download from Orders…
Enter a maximum number of IP addresses that are allowed to access the order page and product files after purchase. The default IP address is ...