to get the order metadata (the item quantity and the item price total).
Or “How can I get the order items“? Or maybe the order ID, customer ID, billing info, payment method, total refunds and so on… hopefully this ...
Counting order items can be 2 different things: Total items count: // Get an instance of the WC_Order Object $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );.
Order Items in code. Get. Let's begin with WC_Order's get_items() that returns all products in an order.
and to sum them with the corresponding total to get the line item total with
Get total tax. get_type() : string: Get order item type. get_variation_id() : int: Get variation ID. is_type() : ...
Failed, pending, and canceled orders which get cleaned up will be moved to the trash.
... all line items and shipping, and store the totals and tax rows. calculate_totals() : float: Calculate totals by looking at the contents of the order.
Purchase: This is the amount of items the customer needs to purchase to get the ...
WooCommerce 3.0+. you can get the order items of an order by $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); $items = $order->get_items();. then if you loop through the ...