Why do sometimes order numbers appear to be in sequence? If, in between orders, there have been no new product additions, image/attachment ...
Get an order from order number. If you want to access the order based on the sequential order number, you can do so with a helper method: $order_id = ...
Arrange orders in ascending or descending order by Order number, Date or Total by select the heading. Note that the “Total” column does not take the refunded ...
There is also a tool to renumerate (i.e. recount) existing orders. Optionally you can add prefix to order number. You can also enable order tracking by custom ...
For example, if the starting order number is set to 1000, Order Number Length is set to "5" by ...
Optional configuration settings to customize the order number can be found by navigating to ...
Upon Release – A pre-order product charged “upon release” is not charged ...
Additionally you can customize your order numbers by setting a starting number, order number length, and custom prefixes and suffixes. Instead of your order ...
If your new orders have the status Pending, no email would have been sent yet. Pending orders are orders where the customer selected Place Order but ...
Set the next (i.e. first) order number to get things back in line (and, if you wish, renumerate all existing WooCommerce orders). Add a custom order number prefix, ...