Each order is given a unique Order ID. Order IDs are non-sequential as they use the default WordPress ID approach. For sequential order numbers, you can use ...
All records in this table have a unique ID, and the order number is the same as this unique ID. how WooCommerce order numbers are generated ...
Just to clarify: order id equals to post id , as found into Wordpress standard tables . order number is the code that represent WooCommerce's ...
core by default, as the order number is typically equal to the order ID.
Or maybe the order ID, customer ID, billing info, payment method, total refunds and so on… hopefully this
WooCommerce order numbers can be sequential, random or by order ID. Sequential counter can be set to automatically reset on daily, monthly or yearly basis.
One of our WordPress clients was recently concerned that there were gaps in the ID numbers of the orders on her WooCommerce website. At first, I assumed ...
WooCommerce uses the same ID for order numbers too. When a new WooCommerce order is created it may not always get the next order in sequence as the ID ...
This article delves into WooCommerce order numbers and how to
By default, the order numbers are based on post ID. This is a unique number that WordPress uses for many things, such as posts, pages, categories, tags, ...