Changing the WooCommerce Payment Gateway Order
Take payments with the provider that's right for you - choose from 100+ payment ... displays, PayPal, Venmo, PayPal Credit, or other local payment options in a.
to control the order in which they display to customers on the checkout.
The post meta key for the payment method ID is simply _payment_method. So if $ order->payment_method doesn't have the magic methods in ...
them in future checkouts, with Subscriptions, or for Pre-Orders.
On Order Pay page it will: Keep "paypal" only payment option if the order status is "pending" (removing all other options); For others order ...
Provide customers with an option to make payments in installments on
[This thread is closed.] When I process a stripe credit card payment using woo- mp the payment method for the order is always updated to…
Here's how to accept credit card payments with a simple online order
woocommerce-checkout-payment from .woocommerce-checkout-review-order trying to achieve something similar to the OP. It didn't seem ...