Update 2 Only For Woocommerce 3+ (added restriction to execute the code only once). add_action('woocommerce_thankyou', 'enroll_student' ...
For this three possibilities: If you really want to do it on order place you would have to use the hook: woocommerce_new_order. However I ...
Here is where to place your code: add_action(
[This thread is closed.] Hi all, I need to catch the order creation but I have some problems: 1) if I add woocommerce_new_order hook, and I retrieve…
However, before a payment is made and after a checkout is place, an order is created. This hook is often ignored and not mention around. And this is the ...
How to Hook Into WooCommerce to Trigger Something After an Order is Placed - Andy Sozot.
The hooks that are displayed in the product list of an order.
Hello , how can I remove the place order button but just this button because I have a ...
Action and Filter Hook Reference. This is simply a list of
Thanks to WooCommerce hooks, developers can create highly