order-received page goes 404 not found, tried everything I could think of · 1. resetting / changing permalinks multiple times · 2. adding flush rules to functions. · 3.
If you see a 404 error, go to WordPress Admin > Settings > Permalinks and Save. · If using an endpoint such as view-order, ensure that it specifies an order number ...
Support » Plugin: Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration » 404 order-received page when disabling the plugin
I would also suggest you open a ticket with WooCommerce plugin is the ...
You can customize the order received page from the “wp-content\plugins\ woocommerce\templates\checkout >>thankyou.php”. Best Regards.
What setting have you got at Admin page > WooCommerce > settings > Checkout tab, Checkout endpoints: Order received. Does it say ...
404 error “Oops! You blew up the Internet.” scares them into calling me to confirm that the order did, in fact,
... function my_order_received_url($return_url,$order){ $return_url = str_replace(' ?','&',$return_url); $return_url = str_replace('/order-received/' ...
Hi, I am getting a 404 page after a custom completes an order.
WooCommerce order-received page shows 404 error. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.