All orders, completed or otherwise, will have a “Download Invoice” icon in the actions area:
We can change the WordPress admin panel in two basic ways: design and functionality.
This shows a text field where users can enter either any text; just letters; just
... restaurant page. Change the overall page direction from right-to-left.
Display the "pickup location" in admin order edit pages (in backend).
It also appears in the backend on the admin edit order page but not the frontend. I 've tried display a text area field like this ...
This is my admin order (backend) detail. I try to display the correct metadata that I entered in per product post. My backend. How can I display the ...
How to modify the WooCommerce Checkout page. The following tutorial
$_POST['billing_phone_new'] ) ); } } /** * Display field value on the order edit ...
The new screen takes design cues from Store on (which was redesigned from