Hovering over an order Status displays Notes made on the order. At the end of a row are shortcut buttons to quickly mark orders as Processing or Complete.
Control which Paid WooCommerce Orders are Automatically Completed. WooCommerce automatically completes orders for virtual-downloadable products after ...
To setup Order Status Control, go to WooCommerce > Settings > General and update the Orders to Auto-Complete setting to determine which paid orders should ...
Automatically set the WooCommerce order status as Completed based on payment method. In most cases, you would need to do this only after ...
php file as this will be wiped entirely when you update the theme. You could also change the “Completed” status to be another order status, like “Processing” ...
So I target "processing" order status for all payment gateways like Paypal or credit card payment, updating the order status to complete.
each and every order will turn to “Completed” irrespective of the payment status.
FUNCTION function payment_complete( $order_id, $old_status, $new_status ){ if ( $new_status == "completed" ) ...
The completed status is reserved for the scenario you mention, when an order is actually completed. Normally, that means the order has shipped. By default, the ...
Detecting Order Complete and performing an action on order complete in WooCommerce need not be complicated! Detect any order status easily with actions.