So if WooCommerce itself ever updates the order status, automatically or not, the hook will fire. This includes when updating the Order ...
There is this action which you could hook into: woocommerce_order_status_changed() The 2nd and 3rd variables returned are the previous ...
WooCommerce Hooks for Order Status Changes. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
WooCommerce do make available a list of all WooCommerce actions, filters and hooks. However, it's slightly ...
Most of the standard WooCommerce hooks for editing email contents are ...
Yes, you can use the woocommerce_order_status_delivered hook – this is general WooCommerce Hook when order status changes to delivered. For example ...
Add a new field to the checkout; Add that new field to the order.
Action and Filter Hook Reference. This is simply a list of action
Want to change the WooCommerce Order Status so it automatically says
We have added a hook on order status change which works well, but initially when ...