An order also has a Status. Order statuses let you know how far along the order is , starting with “Pending payment” and ending with “Completed.” The following ...
When reviewing or fulfilling an order, you will notice each order has a status that reflects where the order is in your order fulfillment pipeline.
What does the order status mean in WooCommerce? · Pending payment: This means the order has been created on your website, but the ...
Your orders remain in a pending state after payment with PayPal. Click here to learn about WooCommerce order statuses and their meanings. You do not see an ...
The WooCommerce Order Status Manager allows you to create, edit, and delete custom order statuses and integrate them seamlessly into your WooCommerce ...
To confirm: 1) the meaning of “completed” is supposed to reflect that the item has ...
What does this mean for me as a developer? · have the WooCommerce Blocks feature-plugin active and · are using the Cart and Checkout blocks.
You can create a WooCommerce custom order status that's compatible with
Order status for these virtual products move only to processing rather
New 2020 update. WooCommerce version 3.4 has introduced a much better hook than woocommerce_thankyou or ...